Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia



for smartphones

SOS Casa

Free app

The Nizioleti for Makers of Venice app, developed on the initiative of Confartigianato di Venezia, is available free of charge.

It can be downloaded and installed on your Android smartphone, from Google Play, or on your iPhone, from App Store (*).

Its use is easy and intuitive; on the start page there are four main buttons, and four function buttons, described below.

Categorie Opens the list of tours
Cerca Searches by keywords
Nizioleti Opens the nizioleti descriptions
News Opens the news


Line To switch between online and offline mode. Info Shows an information page related to the app
Favourites Opens the list of favorite contents Settings Opens the app configuration page


Categories-it   Category-page-it

On the left, the list of tours; by touching an element, the page that describes the selected tour opens, as in the example on the right.

The buttons at the bottom of the page allow you to:

  • View the list of places located along the tour
  • View a map of the places
  • View the places in augmented reality
  • Download the tour into the smartphone memory for later offline use
  • Reload the page
  • Save the tour among the favorite contents


Search-it   Search-around-it

On the left an example of search by keywords; on the right an example of a search within a given range around your position. Touching the Find button launches the search, after which the list of results is displayed.


Poi-list-it   Poi-page-it

By touching an element of the list, the descriptive page of the selected place is displayed. At the bottom of the page, some buttons allow you to:

  • Display the route, on foot, to reach the place
  • View the contacts of the craftsman, if the place is a workshop or shop
  • Reload the page
  • Save the place among the favorite contents


Map-it   Map-selected-it

The buttons allow you to center the map around your position, and to change the type of map.

By touching an icon, a box with the details of the place is displayed, and by touching the box, the description page of the selected place opens.

Route, contacts

Route-it   Contacts-it

On the left, an example of a pedestrian path to reach a specific place. The buttons allow you to center the map around your position, and to start the navigator.

On the right, an example of contacts; by touching one of the lines you can directly open the app for sending e-mails, to make a phone call, to send an SMS, etc.

(*) The Android app is described here; the iOS version differs slightly in appearance, but has similar functionality.

Artigianservizi   Camera di Commercio Venezia   Confartigianato Venezia

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