Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours Ancient Trades Ruga Giuffa
Artistic place 8



There are a number of theories about the name, from the fact that Armenian merchants originally from the city of Julfa used to live here, to the name of the Gagiuffa plague epidemic. The third theory is that unsavoury characters used to roam the streets here at night, begging, or obtaining money by various means, which could be the origin of the Italian word “gaglioffo”, meaning “scoundrel”.


Along the street, we see a Gothic shield with projecting foliage along the bottom and topped by a half-figure of an angel blessing passers-by and holding a globe and a coat of arms.



Artigianservizi   Camera di Commercio Venezia   Confartigianato Venezia

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