Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours The Art of Decoration Calle de la Racheta
Artistic place 12




The name derives from the fact that the game "Racchetta" was played in this area; this game was the ancestor of the modern game of badminton, where a racquet was used to hit balls into the air. The game’s biggest fans were representatives of the Compagnie della Calza who tested themselves in particular during Carnival. These companies were formed to bring people together to play games and activities (the ancestors of today’s clubs); this company was called “Calza” because they wore stockings (calze) of two different colours with their company’s symbol embroidered on them, and often adorned with gold and precious stones.
Along the street, we see coats of arms and reliefs representing shields, saints and the emblem of the charity school


while nearby is one of the few bridges remaining from the period, without its walls



Artigianservizi   Camera di Commercio Venezia   Confartigianato Venezia

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