Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Artistic place 11



The Tana, built in the early 1300s, served as a workshop for the Arsenale (shipyards) and an emporium of hemp used to make mooring lines and other ropes for the battleships built in the Arsenale. The name Tana derives from the fact that there used to be a large swamp here that was drained, rather than the city of Tana located on the Don River, from which the hemp was imported. The “Conzacànevi” (hemp rope makers) from Tana met at the Church of San Biagio. The Tana “Filacànevi” also initially met at the Church of San Biagio, but then moved to the Church of San Giovanni in Bragora. The “Forze di Ercole” games were held in Campo della Tana: city residents were divided into two teams, called Castellani and Nicolotti, and required to create a sort of human pyramid.



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