Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours From Flavour to Classics Fondamenta del Gafaro
Artistic place 2



There are two theories regarding the name of this bank: the first makes it derive from the Gafaro family, probably the one that helped most with the construction of the bank and its bridge; the second makes it to derive from the mispronunciation of gaffer, that is, Arab chief, and in particular from one of them, Sid Ali Melouah, who lived in the area and distinguished himself in a matter of love and murder of the times.
The area in the past was dedicated to the activities of weavers and dyers of wool fabrics. It is assumed that, just as happened in the Chiovere, i.e. squares where just dyed fabrics were hung to dry, also the hollow Istrian stone rings on Palazzo Gaffaro, along the waterfront, were used to place the posts where to hang the fabrics and wool just dyed 



On the same bank, is a house with stone man heads on the windows and a plaque dedicated to Julius Grunwald who financed its construction. Grunwald is famous in the city for being one of the two authors, together with the Bauer family, of the construction and startup of the eponymous hotel on the Grand Canal.


On the opposite bank there is Palazzo Minotto


ed altri caratteristici palazzetti



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