Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours Discovering Jewels La Bottega dei Mascareri
Craft workshop 16


Ponte di Rialto San Polo 80



Mascareri, by brothers Sergio and Massimo Boldrin, has been located at the foot of Ponte di Rialto since 1984, producing papier-mâché masks. Here you will find the most unusual jesters and gremlins. 



For those interested in the Commedia dell'Arte, Pantalone, Zanni and Arlecchini masks are available as are Baute and Morete, in a voyage back to the Venetian 1700s.


Their collection naturally includes the Moon, and Sun in gold leaf. They were the first to produce masks adorned with decorations inspired by Tiepolo. Their works have been used for the California Shakespeare Festival, fashion shoots and the cinema. They have also worked for the Carnevale di Venezia. They are present in various collections in Italy and abroad.


Open every day 9am to 7pm

Artigianservizi   Camera di Commercio Venezia   Confartigianato Venezia

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