Nizioleti di Venezia

to discover

art and crafts

in Venezia

Tours Discovering Jewels Calle dei Boteri
Artistic place 12




The Calle dei Boteri takes its name from the art of the Boteri, or Bottiglieri , that is, the manufacturers of barrels, vats and bottles.
Barrels were made of different types of wood, depending on the size: oak for the larger, fir and larch for the smallest.
Barrel makers gathered in the school which was located in a building opposite the church of the Jesuits, but worked especially in this area.
Among the various legal obligations the Boteri where subject to is the obligation to construct the barrels for the doges for free, with the obligation to provide also for the material and the salary for the employees.
The calle is full of coats of arms, paterae and friezes on the walls of houses and halls. 



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